Wisconsin Dartball
Country Dartball League
Advanced League Statistics
Statistic Player Team Value
Game Hit Streak Tom Nadelhoffer Nite Owls 3*
Jim Downer Big Sky 3*
David Weyer Flynn's 3*
Don Weyer Flynn's 3*
BJ Flynn's 3*
Matt Trushinskiy Flynn's 3*
Jamey Schaetzel Buzdum's 3*
Jesse Schaetzel Buzdum's 3*
Tim Wagner Buzdum's 3*
Drew Croatt Buzdum's 3*
Jason Stone Buzdum's 3*
Brad Helleson Buzdum's 3*
Eric Muth Erin Inn 2 3*
Matt Sweeney Erin Inn 2 3*
Bruce Friesch Lucky Shotz 3*
Jason Roecker Lucky Shotz 3*
Jay Aulenbacher Lucky Shotz 3*
Jeff Aulenbacher Lucky Shotz 3*
Doug Fiedler Lucky Shotz 3*
Mike Aulenbacher Lucky Shotz 3*
Keith Moldenhauer Lucky Shotz 3*
Dan Kucharski DJ's Goal Post 3*
Justin Woloszyk DJ's Goal Post 3*
Karl Larson DJ's Goal Post 3*
Justin Kucharski DJ's Goal Post 3*
Rodney Tabat Stags Tavern 3*
Shannon Leitzke Stags Tavern 3*
Jim West Stags Tavern 3*
Elliot Frank Big Guys 6.9 3*
Brad Kaul Big Guys 6.9 3*
Bruce Frank Big Guys 6.9 3*
Travis Steger Big Guys 6.9 3*
Chris Oechsner Big Guys 6.9 3*
Kurt Minor Sals 3*
Jevon Deede Sals 3*
Cal Dimmick Sals 3*
Kent McKenna Sals 3*
Perry lemon Sals 3*
Andrew Kucharski EJ's 3*
Abi Donath EJ's 3*
Matt Horne EJ's 3*
Jeff Hillmam Pub @ Blackstone 1 3*
John Heilgendorf Pub @ Blackstone 1 3*
Ryan Gilbert Pub @ Blackstone 1 3*
Mitch Oinas Pub @ Blackstone 2 3*
Alec Weise Pub @ Blackstone 2 3*
Blake Foster Pub @ Blackstone 2 3*
Dylan Wilcox Erin Inn 1 3*
Bailey Isselmann Erin Inn 1 3*
Jake Isselmann Erin Inn 1 3*
Steve Balistreri Erin Inn 1 3*
Alex Stuettgen Erin Inn 1 3*
Matt Finley Erin Inn 1 3*
James Stuettgen Flynn's 2 3*
Alex Sprtel Flynn's 2 3*
Mike Butchart Flynn's 2 3*
Brandon Mantel Flynn's 2 3*
Austin Krueger Flynn's 2 3*
Game Hitless Streak Matt Ammentorp Sals 3*
Collin Hahn Pub @ Blackstone 2 3*
Hits in Night Mark Ruhbusch Pioneer Bowl 9*
Joel Heidtke Pioneer Bowl 9*
Brian Lighthizer Nite Owls 9*
Brad Kaul Big Guys 6.9 9*
RBIs in Game Travis Steger Big Guys 6.9 4*
Dan Fischer Sals 4*
Nick Kraemer Sals 4*
RBIs in Night Travis Steger Big Guys 6.9 7*
Most Extra Inning Games Pioneer Bowl 1*
Flynn's 1*
Big Guys 6.9 1*
Most Runs In Inning Sals 6*
Largest Win Pioneer Bowl 10
Largest Avg Win Differential Pioneer Bowl 6.5
Largest Loss Nite Owls 10
Flynn's 10
Largest Avg Loss Differential Nite Owls 10.0
AB Hit Streak John Heilgendorf Pub @ Blackstone 1 6*
AB Hitless Streak Matt Ammentorp Sals 13*
Game Hit Streak Chad Kuhfuss Pioneer Bowl 3*
Mark Ruhbusch Pioneer Bowl 3*
Kim Schmitt Pioneer Bowl 3*
Darrell Blair Pioneer Bowl 3*
Joel Heidtke Pioneer Bowl 3*
Andy Okrasinski Pioneer Bowl 3*
Mark Lighthizer Nite Owls 3*
Brian Lighthizer Nite Owls 3*
Kyle Opetz Nite Owls 3*
Boone Nite Owls 3*
Dave Liesener Nite Owls 3*

* - This Stat is calculated from statistics uploaded to the website from the Dartball Statistician app therfore only teams using the Dartball Statistician app are included in the results.

The Dartball Statistician can be downloaded to an Android device from the Google Play Store or an Amazon device from the Amazon Store.

In order to see these advanced statistics you will need to download the app to an Android device and enter game results at bat by at bat.
The app will then upload the results to the web site and update the Standings page, the Stat Leaders page, the Statistics page and the Statistics Advanced page.