As an ever-growing and evolving organization, The Country Dartball League is continually striving to improve on its offerings and opportunities to its league members and sponsors.
At recent Tournaments in which The Country Dartball League has sponsored, raffles and similar drawings have been held to raise money for local charities and/or for people in need. The League would like to continue this trend of raising money through raffles and donations held in conjunction with Country Dartball Tournaments.
The Country Dartball League has a strong local presence through its Team Sponsorship and its large roster of players. We are the second largest traveling league in the State of Wisconsin. Community involvement and attention to the needs of our participantsand of the community are important aspects of any strong organization.
All requests must be generated through a current team captain of a Country Dartball League Team. Requests will be limited to the following potential recipients:
-Any Current player or Players’ family member, any deceased former league member, or any local organization who has a direct relationship to the Country Dartball League, who has an established charitable fund.
Requests can be given at any time, through a team captain, to the League Commissioner. A small committee of captains will determine if a request can be honored at any League Sponsored event including but not limited to: League Team Tournaments, League sponsored State Tournaments and the League Banquet.
Any requestors for fundraising may be asked to provide people to sell and collect raffle tickets on behalf of their respective group.
Thank You for your support of the “Load ‘em Up Fund” … sponsored by The Country Dartball League.